Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Nathan's 2012 winter fun!

Katie and Melissa!!

Ben's diesel !

Ben wanted this truck baaaaad.

Video of Nik as a puppy with the girls. Again, just becasue its fun to watch!


This picture was taken at Spring Into Summer 2011. I think this is when Daisy realized it time to 'bob' for hot dogs!
Ohhhh Look at Daisy playing with her chickens just before we got Lilly for her to play with!!!

Lillafer, Bossy butt, wiggle pants!

It's the end of March, is it too early to miss football already?

I found this picture of Nolan online of all places! It's one of the best action pics I have ever seen! I love it!! It makes me miss football! I miss watching both Nolan and Ben play on Friday nights at Clark field under the lights. I am looking forward to watching Nathan play varsity in just a few short months though!! TIGERS!!

Nathan took 5th in sections!

Sections were at TECH this year. Nathan did very well! I am very proud of him!!! I tried to get him to laugh for the picture, but obviously it didn't work.

Lazy ass

Ice is out, it's almost E-Bar weather!

Scott, Nathan and Ben spent the 3rd weekend of March at the lake in shorts

Getting some loving!

Nathan is loving up his pups after wrestling practice. The girls sure love him.

The alarm went off, but nobody moved...

Winter tends to have this effect on me, but what is Daisy and Lilly's excuse?