Thursday, June 25, 2009

One Clubbin'

Nathan, Nolan and Benjamin went 'one clubing' with Doug, our neighbor and his new son in law, Brett. When the course closes for the night, everyone gets to pick one club, a couple of balls... Play at your own risk!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Sunday baseball tourney

Nathan was up to bat early in the first game of the day, then he played third base for a bit.
Nathan is talking to one of his teammates in the bullpen as the coach looks on.
You can see Noah Voigt signaling to Nathan, the number of outs.

Scott held onto the fence, just like a kid.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Nathan's tournement June 20-21, 2009

Puppy Park June 20, 2009

I took Daisy and Lilly to the puppy park on Saturday after Nathan's two baseball games in St. Nicholas. It was almost 90 degress, so they finally decided that the Mississippi river wasn't all that bad. I think Daisy even smiled while cooling off. They were slightly confused by all the comotion caused by the labs and retrievers running for sticks in the river.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Scott in the SJU woods about 1981. This was taken by his buddy Danny Vogel, whom I now work with. Danny came by my office and I scanned the photo to suprise Scott with. It brought back some good old memories for him.
Nathan and I were home alone last night, just talking and enjoying the impending rain. The sky lit up with lightening, without any thunder. It was awesome and exciting. The air was thick and sticky. Nathan and I stood in the street and took a couple of pictures as the light show darted our way from the west. The wind and rain hit us hard about 20 minutes after these shots were taken and luckily, no hail accompained it.
Fridays are kind of special at our house during the summer. Scott comes home from work at 7am, and stays up for the day, (well, for as long as he can stand it anyways.) After Scott and Nathan got home from grocery shopping, a nap was in order. Daisy grabbed a spot on Nathan's legs in the recliner and Lilly went back to bed with daddy.

Monday, June 15, 2009

It's June and football fever has begun! Ben and Nolan came home with their equipment after practice today. Everyone wants to get in on the fun!!

Nathan and Ben trying on helmets.

Nolan and Ben brought their football equipment home so they could use it at NDSU football camp this week. I dropped them off at a friend's house at 6am. Five boys drove up to Fargo and they even remembered to text me when they got there!!! The house will be quiet without them. I will miss them, I don't like that they are growing up and don't need me as much. Scott isn't dealing with them beginning to leave the nest at all!! It'a good thing we have Nathan to take care of, at least for a little longer...

Weekend selling golf balls with grandma and grandpa

Nathan sold balls for 2 days and did very well! Ben and Nolan sold on Sunday only and only made a total of 76.00. I was only there for one day and the girls pouted when ever I left the patio. Oh, they are soooo spoiled!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Nathan and Noah went to SJU football camp this week and had a great time. On the last day, John Gagliardi, came out and talked to all the players.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Nathan baseball summer 2009

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This is Nathan pitching to a Richmond player on 6/8/09. Nathan's team won 12-6. He pitched two innings and got a single, double and walked to first after being hit in the back by the pitcher.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Nathan summer league baseball

Ben, Nolan and Luke went to watch Nathan's baseball game. Scott took this great pic of the 3 of them. You can only see Nolan's shoes.


Noah (#17) and Nathan (#4) are sitting on the bench watching their crushing game over Kimball 15-1.
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Nathan is batting and his coach; Joe Voigt is watching.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Muffy and Kylie spent the weekend at the lake with Scott and Nathan. Nice bass Muffy! I am suprised that Nathan got out of bed to go fishing!

Our yard

I received some Hostas from a friend this weekend. Ben tilled up the flower garden for me, I transplanted them and Scott did the landscaping work. I just love it! We also cut down bush in the back yard after Nolan planted the garden. We have one year to make all the wanted improvements before the graduation party!!

Cabin 2009

Scott got the boat working better than it has in years! Nathan took it for a test drive! Scott and Nathan spent the whole weekend at the lake together, while Nolan and Ben helped me plant the garden and some hostas.