This past week has been a whirlwind of activity! It was Nolan and Ben's birthday on the 24th and the big game was the next day. After every game, the boys go to one of their teammates homes for a huge dinner. They get home late and I can only imagaine how tired they really must be.
Between the weight room in the morning, classes all day, followed by practice and film, then a quick dinner before homework. We only sat the kitchen table as a family once in the past month. (that has to change!) We are all running around nuts!
Nathan has been such a big help with dishes and the dogs! Scott still makes supper every night and I do the laundry and as much cleaning as possible. He is processing all the deer himself with Nathan's help occasionally.
We are all exhausted, but the thrill of watching the boys play keeps us going.
Nolan and Ben are very focused on their football game and are extremely dedicated to striving to do their individual best! I am so proud of them!