Friday, March 1, 2013

A bus hit Nathan after school.
Ya, a School bus!
Dec. '12

Duck hunting, Nolan and Uncle Dan. Oct. '12

 While they were duck hunting, I was home with my girls. Lilly is tired from barking at the vaccuum cleaner for 25 straight minutes....

Fall 2012 hunting and dogs 2012-2013

Nik went duck hunting the fishing/duck boat. Fall '12

        Nikita January 2013                                             
Who?   Me?


 Daisy   -   January 2013

Pouting and waiting in her 'food corner' for something to drop in front of her nose.

Daisy picked the cards for the Superbowl halftime board,
& Mommy won some cash!!



Lilly and Nik were caught red handed running through the house playing with the pink tennis ball in Nik's mouth. All 3 were running around, but Daisy didn't jump up on the couch.

 Lilly - September 2012

In our backyard. Lilly and Nik successfully managed to kill all the grass by running and chasing each other. Lilly is such a baby,  & always will be.

 Lilly is contemplating what her next sleeping position will be.

This pic of Daisy is double posted... I can't seem to delete it. Ah... it's so cute it deserves to be here 2x

Me and Kerri Ann on the afternoon I signed the paperwork to work the Vikings games with her. She has been doing it 10 years, and I only did it the 2012 season. It was fun to be apart of if with Kerri Ann and Shawn.

August 2012 in the Metrodome.

Nolan and Ben went with a buddy duck hunting and did GREAT! Fun Weekend!