On December 6th, we went to Nolan and Ben's 2009 football banquet at the Holiday Inn. The head coach and their Defensive coach both spoke very highly of both boys. Scott and I were so proud!!!!
Both Ben and Nolan were awarded Athletic Scholar patches for their high GPA's. They both were accepted to SJU and SCSU about 6 weeks ago. The cake had all the seniors' names on it. After the banquet, it's customary for all the players to stay and watch the highlight reel. We get a DVD of it also, but the fun is watching it with their buddies.
It was hard to see the boys in their Jerseys for the last time. We have the best memories of them playing football...
Ben is one of 3 captains this year. We have new coaches and the season is going great!! Ben's girlfriend Katie came to his first match of the season when she was home from college. She is sitting with Nolan, Jasper and other friends.
Nolan's knee surgery and recovery has gone great! He was finally able to take off the velcro brace and put his carbon brace back on. He's back at therapy and doing fantastic with everything! I had a cast on my right arm for tendonitis from painting my laundry room. It doesn't hurt any more, it's just very sore. I will be back to blogging much more often now. My mom had surgery on her foot and she is healing nicely. We are all looking forward to her retirement party this weekend at the golf course club house.