The long weekend was wonderful with the Eagles flying overhead low enough to see the white feathers coming through the infant black ones. We didn't see many deer, as they must be getting ready to give birth later this week. Scott and I droppped off the boys at Balsam Lake for some bass fishing. They did get some Muskie and crappie fishing also, but nothing to talk about.

We had 12 people over for a 'milk can' and that was great! As usual, there was more than enough food left over. Scott cooked up a feast, we napped, walked the girls and read. It was a very relaxing weekend; well for me anyways, Scott was busy fixing the motor on the boat when the boys weren't fishing in it.
I scored on a free canvas boat cover that some old couple put at the end of their driveway from their boat from about 15 years ago.
The girls loved their truck ride to and from the Lake. Lilly loves to ride backwards!